Whitten, W. M., M. A. Blanco & N. H. Williams. 2006. Recircumscription of Pityphyllum (Orchidaceae: Maxillariinae). Lindleyana in Orchids (Bull. Amer. Orch. Soc.) 73(3): 452–456.
Abstract. Based upon morphological and molecular evidence, Maxillaria huancabambae (Kraenzl.) C. Schweinf. and M. saragurensis Dodson are transferred to Pityphyllum Schltr. These and other species of Pityphyllum are illustrated with photographs and a revised key to the genus is presented. In the course of our ongoing studies of the phylogenetics of subtribe Maxillariinae, we have made several trips to the extensive orchid greenhouses of Ecuagenera in Gualaceo, Ecuador. Although field and herbarium work is indispensable for taxonomic studies, large living collections such as those at Ecuagenera provide valuable opportunities to see large numbers of related taxa cultivated side by side. Recently, our observations of its large collections of Maxillaria and related genera provided us with insights into the relationships of the genus Pityphyllum Schltr.
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